# History

This document tries to save the history of wall mapping and its important pieces of history. There is a bunch of stuff that I either do not know about or simply forgot.

If you have anything to add hit me up on my discord or

# Back in the days

In the early days of beatsaber everyone was bound to the same 3 wall types. But that did not stop mappers, since because of bugs features there were some Fancy stuff you could do with them.

hyper walls (walls that have a negative duration) existed for as long as I can remember and were used commonly.

fake walls (walls, that don't hurt you) were also known about and used in maps like under the sea (opens new window)

Those were eventually with editors like mediocre mapper but seen rarely. To be honest, it was a bit boring.

# Mapping Extension

BOOM Mapping Extension (opens new window) arrived January 2019. Suddenly you could place walls anywhere you want.

No mapping programs supoorted it, but nobody cared. Mappers like Rustic (opens new window), Exce or Ruckus (opens new window) created awesome wallmaps only with the json and their Text editor. The Math (opens new window) was hard but they were harder and showed everyone what was possible

# Early days of scripting

This was when people started to develop scripts.

There were converter, that made the math easier or tools to copy paste with extra stuff. And tech-savy mappers wrote their own scripts for specific maps.

I also started working on Beatwalls at the same time. On Thu Jul 18 11:40:58 2019 the first Commit to Beatwalls occured and a week later got its first Version. Back there it was a completly different Program, where you had a bunch of walls in json format laying around somewhere and used bookmarks to place them on the map. It was horrible.

# The Results

But it was worth it!

BANG-BANG-BANG - three maps showed up and stole the show. Sky Fracture VIP (opens new window), Air (opens new window) and The Wall (opens new window) all got released in October 2019 and got thousands of up votes and millions of clicks.

Suddenly there was a demand for more.

# MK5

Luckily, a month before an update (opens new window) for Mediocre Mapper arrived, and it supported mapping extension. With that you could create a Wall with 2 clicks.

A bunch of beautiful art-maps like palm Trees (opens new window)

Beatwalls also got updated and slowly reached the level where it is today.

# Noodle Extension

Suddenly Noodle Extension (opens new window) came around and raised everyone's interest and their noodles.

It lifted the previous requirements of ME (no walls starting in the ground or higher than 5 blocks) and brought in some new features.

Suddenly you could rotate walls around the player and around themself. This lead to awesome maps like Unholy Crusade (opens new window)

# The modern area

And thats where we are today.