# Quickstart

Ever played a wallmap and thought.

Rookie Numbers


Beatwalls is a program designed to make wallmaps with thousands of wall possible. It tries to make them easy and fast to create and change. It is not however the tool if you are looking for spelling, 3d modelling or animations. For that check out Nyri0s scripts (opens new window)

While i have your full attention, I want to thank these people:

  • Bloodcloak, who put up with my spelling and helped me write this documentary.
  • Aero, who wrote Noodle Extensions and
  • CheckThePan and nyri0, who helped me with a lot of math
  • Reaxt and CyanSnow who showed us what can be possible with modcharts
  • +1Rabbit, who is really nice and helped me a ton with his code 😃

# Installation

# Tools

# mods


can be installed through modAssistant, or manually (opens new window)

# Setup

It is highly recommended using a sepate difficulty for your generated Walls. This difficulty will hold all the Elements that are being created. For that, it will need the requirement Noodle Extensions or Mapping Extensions as well as Chroma. You can learn on how to set up the map in the bsmg.wiki (opens new window).


currently you have to copy the walls into the final version manually with json editing.

# Usage

Drag a Song Folder into the .exe to launch the configuration setup. It will create the main.bw File in your song folder. Open this in any text editor, I recommended Visual Studio Code. This File defines the created Structures for the selected difficulty, like a cookbook.

Once beatwalls is running, it will listen to all changes to the main.bw file. So whenever you change a section and hit save, it will create the new walls.

After the program has been set up, it can be started again simply by double clicking the .exe. When you want to change the map, drag the new song folder in the application and repeat the setup.


Beatwalls will replace ALL NOTES, OBSTACLES AND EVENTS in the difficulty. Don't edit those manually, as they will be overwritten.

# Overview

# WallStructure

A Structure is a collection of walls Notes or lights (planned for the future). Bundling them together allows one to edit and repeat them all at once to fit the Song, without having to manually edit each wall.

# Coordinate System

To make working with Walls easier, I introduce to you a new standard (opens new window) of Values, which define a wall. It defines 1 = one block.

something like this

A wall is defined by x,y,z,width,height,duration. The Position is in the center of the Wall.


z and duration are measured in beats. Look at a different mapper (mma2) for those.

# Hello Wall

Now let`s create our first Structure Open Beatwalls and leave it running. Now write this into you .bw file.

# creates a noodle Helix at beat 10
    beat: 10
    duration: 2

Lets see what happens in this example

  • Lines starting with a # are comments and get ignored.
  • Helix creates a Helix
  • beat: 10 lets the helix on beat 10
  • duration: 2 The complete helix will have a duration of 2

Now open Beatsaber and reload the songs with ctrl - r. Start your map, and you should see the Structure appearing timed to beat 10


Beatwalls automatically makes sure your Structures apear and not zoom past you at the specific beat.

# Gotchas before we move on

  • Beatwalls is NOT case-sensitive
  • Beatwalls does NOT care about spaces or tabs but it does care about newlines
  • Beatwalls works with BEATS (the thing in mm) and not TIMES, it takes care of the bpm changes found in mma2
  • Beatwalls has NO complete Syntax checker currently and might crash when something weird happens. Please write me when it does.